Let AI do the workload: Create SharePoint forms effortlessly

Easily create intelligent SharePoint forms with field recommendations, inspirational design ideas, and logical flow guidance within minutes.
Get a live demo with your use case
Trusted by companies from 50 to 10.000+ employees

Sounds familiar?

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You wonder if all form fields are covered

Get inspired by intelligent form field suggestions which cover any use case you can think of.

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You spend hours to create new forms

Effortlessly generate complete SharePoint forms in minutes with AI-powered automation.

You need help from a SharePoint consultant

Take charge and design forms exactly as you want and how you need them – no SharePoint developers needed.

Our Promise

Never struggle with SharePoint again –generate your forms in minutes

Get a complete form with a single prompt

Be inspired by AI generated form fields
Get the right formatting automatically
Never forget important form fields again

Use AI as the basis and turn it into your SharePoint form

Select relevant form fields and add additional ones
Tailor the layout if needed
Export your form to SharePoint with a single click

AI-based forms are the cheapest option

Skip creating text, dropdown and multiple choice fields and let AI do it
Use credits to generate forms easily and affordably
Make AI generation part of your workflow
Visualization of two graphs, one representing skybow and one representing standard project management software. You see that skybow will quickly be cheaper during time
The Future awaits

Never  build SharePoint
forms manually again

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Swiss Quality

Why our clients
love us

security skybow icon

Secure and stable

leverage the robust security features and proven reliability of SharePoint, ensuring that sensitive data is protected and processes run smoothly

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Support you can rely on

responsive and knowledgeable tech support to quickly resolve any issues and ensure a smooth and uninterrupted experience

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Strong Partners

Find a point of contact in almost every part of the world. We have established a strong partner network across 40+ countries.

fully integrated skybow icon

Fully Integrated

Familiar interface and excellent connectivity with other Microsoft Applications.

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Own Toolset

We only use our own swiss made platform to build high-quality forms and processes.

custom processes skybow icon

Tailored to your needs

Be more efficient and effective because the process reflects your own challenges.

“skybow means Swiss quality to me.”

Rinaldo Lieberherr, CEO of UPGREAT AG
Skybow consultant helping a client.
Start now

Let's talk about your workflows

We know the feeling of wanting to get started straight away. Let's create the perfect set-up together.

30 minutes to create your low-code setup
Individual plan for your first workflow
Time for Q&A
Book your free call now!