Human Resources

SharePoint HR Portal

The SharePoint HR Portal is a complete SaaS solution for HR teams based on skybow technology.

Different HR modules
Months to launch

pemundo wants to offer a software solution for HR teams that digitizes and automates their processes. The company isn't focusing on one size fits all. Instead, they provide a modular platform that can always be individually adapted to the customer's processes. They have built this SaaS solution on the unique technological basis of skybow.


The two HR experts in the pemundo team, Christina and Martin, both have more than 15 years of experience in HR. They have digitized numerous HR processes in various companies. During these projects, they have introduced a wide range of software products for this purpose.

Despite the numerous HR tools available on the market, companies have always had to make compromises, accept high costs or significantly adapt their own processes to the tools. HR solutions that are integrated into Microsoft 365 in particular come with numerous functions that most teams don't even need, have very rigid processes and cause extremely high costs.

Christina and Martin were therefore looking for a new solution which had to meet the following requirements:

  • 100% integrated in M365
  • Modular solutions
  • Individual customisation options for customers
  • Transparent cost structure

Why is skybow the best fit?

A SharePoint HR portal built with the skybow Solution Studio differs from classic HR software in numerous ways. As the name suggests, skybow's low-code platform is 100 % integrated into SharePoint. This means that all tools of the M365 suite can also be integrated into the workflows.

Thanks to skybow's low-code approach, the solution could be developed within a very short time. The expert knowledge and years of experience of Christina and Martin initially flowed into the 16 modules. This made it possible to avoid a long development period before the market launch.

An important aspect is the customizability for each customer. The low-code platform makes this possible. The modules and workflows can be adapted to existing HR processes with little effort.

Another argument in favor of skybow is its unique provisioning feature. This makes it easy to deliver the solution to customers - whether all 16 modules or just individual ones. Updates, adaptations or extensions can be delivered effortlessly.

"We've only found this combination of functions at skybow. This makes the Solution Studio the perfect technological basis for a SharePoint HR portal.", Martin Sulzbacher (Co-Founder & Head of Customer Relations, pemundo)
Christina Mokoru
Christina Mokoru
Co-Founder & Chief of Product Development, pemundo

skybow's low-code platform provides the perfect basis for building digital solutions that can be sold on to numerous customers. Thanks to skybow, modules are super quick and easy to build. Provisioning or updates to the built solution also work reliably. In addition, the solutions can be customized for customers with minimal effort.

How pemundo solved it

The goal

The SharePoint HR portal (pemundo) should be a modular HR solution. It should offer the right digital tool for all HR workflows. The individual workflows and solutions should still be able to be individually adapted to the needs of the HR team and the processes in place.

How it started

To avoid starting a completely new software project for every customer and to keep costs and effort to a minimum, 16 modules for the SharePoint HR Portal were developed as best practices. They are equipped with functions that add value for every HR team.

Based on these modules in the SharePoint HR Portal, an individual solution is put together for each customer.

Everything is technically implemented with the skybow Solution Studio:

SharePoint Forms to ensure high data quality

Numerous errors can be avoided by using standardized forms that check the values entered filling out the form. This guarantees a high standard of quality for your data.

These forms in the SharePoint HR Portal are created with the skybow Forms Designer. These tools make it possible to create nice looking forms via drag & drop. Additional design elements, such as tabs or multi-column layouts, are available in a what-you-see-is-what-you-get editor. The design is adapted to the company's CI.

Thanks to skybow's field validations, input values can be checked directly and feedback can be given to users. Conditional formatting also allows different user groups to display only the information, fields, tabs and buttons that are relevant to them.

Form in the SharePoint HR Portal for adding a new task in the Onboarding Solution

Dossiers to create a Single Source of Truth

HR in particular collects a lot of data and documents about employees. The SharePoint HR portal bundles all this information about an employee in one place. This means that the information is always available to authorized users, wherever they are.

This single source of truth is created in the SharePoint HR Portal with the help of skybow dossiers. These offer the possibility of linking several sub-lists and libraries to a master list. Such a master-detail relationship can be created without any programming knowledge. You can also make use of data aggregations and calculations. The result is a perfect digital personal file.

Dossier in the SharePoint HR Portal for managing all applicants in the Recruitment Tracker

Automation actions to reduce manual work

Complete workflows that always run in the same way, or at least parts of workflows, can often be automated. This makes processes more efficient and reduces manual work to a minimum.

Numerous small and large automations are offered in the SharePoint HR portal. These were built with the skybow Automation Action Builder. The low-code assistant provides a large number of pre-configured automation actions that can be used without any programming knowledge. Here you will find an overview of all available Automation Actions. For very individual requirements, these can also be inserted with custom code at any time.

Automation Action in the SharePoint HR Portal for sending a MS Teams message with the request for approval

The Solution

The SharePoint HR Portal offers companies of any size or industry the opportunity to digitise HR processes. With its solution, pemundo does not rely on an all-in-one approach, but on individuality.

The individual modules, which were built with the skybow Solution Studio, create numerous advantages:

  • More transparency through a single source of truth for all data and documents
  • More efficient processes through automation
  • Easier collaboration within the team and across departments
  • No new user interface or changed processes

"With the SharePoint HR portal from pemundo, we can finally offer our customers a solution that really fits their processes and requirements 100%. We have the opportunity to use our expertise to improve workflows and support them directly with digital solutions. Only the technological basis of skybow could make this possible." Christina Mokoru (Co-Founder & Chief of Product Development, pemundo)

All features, functions, workflows and modules that have been implemented in the SharePoint HR portal can be found on the pemundo website.

Dashboard in the SharePoint HR Portal for the Recruitment Tracker

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